Responsible Cognitive Enhancement Why do we need a <i>responsible</i> cognitive enhancement? Lorenza Colzato • December 04, 2018
Preliminary support that microdosing psychedelics enhances creativity A growing number of professionals are taking small doses of psychedelics in order to boost their creativity and focus at work. Does microdosing psychedelics really enhance creativity? Lorenza Colzato and Luisa Prochazkova • October 25, 2018 • 1 comment
Stimulate your vagus nerve for more creativity Creativity is one of the most important cognitive skills in our complex and fast-changing world. How can the vagus nerve enhance our creativity? Lorenza Colzato • February 20, 2018 • 1 comment
Variable heart rate and a multitasking mind Our heart doesn't beat at a constant frequency. What can this tell you about your brain state and multitasking performance? Lorenza Colzato • November 07, 2017
How the vagus can help us to read other's emotions How can the vagus nerve enhance our ability to recognize emotions? Lorenza Colzato • June 13, 2017
The seduction of cognitive enhancement: how “far” can we go? Cognitive enhancement is the use of drugs and any other means aimed at enhancing performance in healthy individuals. How “far” can we go to enhance ourselves? Should there be any “limits” to what we could achieve? Lorenza Colzato • September 20, 2016 • 24 comments
The beats that help you multitasking Many people say that listening to binaural beats (auditory illusions) help them to concentrate and be more focused. A new study tested whether binaural beats makes you better in multitasking. What is the mechanism behind this phenomenon? Lorenza Colzato • September 06, 2016
Neuroethics: how “far” can brain stimulation help sport? As a potential enhancement in athletes, brain stimulation raises similar ethical discussions of pharmacological interventions. Is it a “legal” substitute for doping? Lorenza Colzato • February 09, 2016 • 11 comments
Music makes the world go round Musical training is becoming increasingly popular as a topic for scientific research. Is musical training a promising cognitive enhancer? Lorenza Colzato • February 02, 2016